New developments. Among the most relevant novelties is RuScan lumber quality and geometrical parameters scanner with trimming optimization function. This system is designed for lumber sorting lines operating at speeds from 60 to 180 boards per minute.
Downtime at the place of production. Recording. Reporting.
Software and hardware complex can be used for log sorting lines, sawing lines, board sorting lines and so on. The primary element or a source of information is a unit of the product fixed by scanner and by sensor with timing mark. If there are no events in excess of permitted time, the downtime period starts. The operator must enter the reason and close the pop-up window. The software will do the rest. The program operation is shown on the example of board sorting line. In this case, the report can be fixed and displayed both by the top (sorting line) and by the bottom (stacking machine). Automatically downtime periods are classified according to the duration and time: long-term and short-term, regulated breaks, shift change, etc. If for some reason the operator did not enter the reason for unregulated downtime, this downtime is charged to the operator.
Figure 1 shows a visual representation of operating time. You can see the percentage and duration of short-term and long-term downtime periods. You can immediately determine how effective the current shift is.
Figure 1 - Operation time visualization
The TOP section operators see downtime periods of sorting line while the stacking machine operators see threir own downtime periods. Thus, each employee can evaluate the effectiveness of his work in real time during the shift. That, of course, increases productivity.
Time, through which the short-term and long-term downtime periods are fixed, is set separately in the web-interface (figure 2).
Figure 2 - Setting downtime
Each downtime period is recorded and stored in the Microsoft SQL Server database and we can get detailed reports by shift, week, etc. and various variants of grouping by reasons, operators, etc. Here are some variants that TIME CONTROL SYSTEM generates: