New developments. Among the most relevant novelties is RuScan lumber quality and geometrical parameters scanner with trimming optimization function. This system is designed for lumber sorting lines operating at speeds from 60 to 180 boards per minute.
This program is intended for industrial engineer and it’s a means for optimizing the sawing and getting the maximum useful yield. The program has user-friendly and flexible settings and intuitive interface, which greatly facilitates program installation and further work with it.
The input data for the program are:
Based on these data, the program offers a choice of sawing schedule, which can be realized on this equipment and ensures the maximum yield or maximum value of the products.
ATTENTION! Program updates are no longer released as we develop the web application with similar functions called MillLab.
Documentation for the program can be downloaded in the "Documents" section of this page
SawsOptimization Professional is a new generation of software that is offered as a standalone product and as part of an integrated solution for ideal sawing optimization, based on the principle of "smart sorting".
SawsOptimization Professional allows you to perform the calculation of the optimal sorting table correlating each size group with sawing schedule. The calculation is done to achieve maximum yield or value of products, and is performed on the basis of the required timber specification (size, price, required volume), the detailed characteristics of sawmill equipment, sorting line (number of boxes) and actual or statistical data on green timber.
Differences of SawsOptimization Professional from the base version of the program:
Short description of SawsOptimization Professional Program features:
Example: you want to get the yield of section 32x150 of at least 10%. When achieving this, the total yield falls from 52.24% to 51.83%.
Example: Change of sorting group interval increased the yield up to 52.66%.